Financial Planning To Help You Navigate The Uncertainties Ahead And Avoid Common Costly Mistakes

You know that you do not want a one-dimensional approach that imposes the same solution on everyone. Here's how we put you at the center for your custom 6-Step Financial Planning Process:


Step 1 - Establishing and Defining the Client-Planner Relationship

This is our Introductory Session.

Here we explore whether financial planning will be helpful along with questions such as:

- What do you expect?
- What do I expect from the relationship?
- How am I compensated?


Step 2 - Gathering Data Including Your Goals

This is our Information Interview, where we listen to you.

We look at your statements and information such as the cost basis of investments and your IRA history. Even more important, we begin to create a full picture of you, your family, your investment objectives, your life goals and desires, and your deeply held family values.

We are especially interested in your answers to emotional questions such as:

- What are your dreams for your future and your family's?
- What about money is important to you?


Step 3 - Analyzing and Evaluating the Client's Financial Status

This step encompasses financial plan objectives and assumptions such as:

            - Investment and Risk Analysis
            - Review of the Financial Data

In addition, it includes Situation Analysis along with Problem Identification.  Also, it generates Recommendations.


Step 4 - Developing and Presenting Financial Planning Recommendations and/or Alternatives

Simply, here we review your plan. The process moves forward carefully. This is a time when together we make initial decisions.


Step 5 - Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendations

Here we take time to meet with your other advisors such as your CPA to get full input into a direction. Then, we are ready to make decisions and take action.


Step 6 - Monitoring the Financial Planning Recommendations

This step undertakes a Review of the Plan Implementation.

Also, it ensures that you hear from us again and again because Investment Monitoring is a constant.

We meet with you annually, or more often if you like.

And Our Planning Does Not Stop Here:  We Are Always Accessible. 

We are in your corner to help to prevent you from making common costly mistakes. 

When you are planning a financial change such as retiring, buying or selling a property, or refinancing, please call us with your questions or concerns.

We may be able to tailor a strategy that prevents you from making a mistake that you will regret. 


Here’s your chance to get more information and answers to see if this 6-Step Financial Planning process is right for you.  To set up a meeting or to discuss any aspect of your finances simply call 252-449-8165 or send an email to